Friday, April 18, 2008

Sebby Snacks (following Sebby's puking up a whole bunch of that nasty ABC debate)

Sebby really has got to stop eating Big Media, it never goes down well.

  1. Bi-Partisanship, that ever venerated ideal, died a long-predicted death this week, when Joe Lieberman made clear in no uncertain terms that he was really a Republican, so all of his "serious" and "responsible" bi-partisanship work with Republicans really stems from the fact that he is one. Of course, there's a chance that when the elections over and he needs to figure out a new way to get the camera on him, Joe (by then kicked out by a Democratic Senate caucus that doesn't need him) as a Republican will remember all the other issues besides the worst-foreign-policy-decision-in-the-nation's-history on which he actually agrees with the Democrats. Then Joe will be a bi-partisan Republican. That's what happens when you're political leanings go whichever way the camera turns.
  2. Leaving now, will only lead to chaos and defeat, better to stay and win victory.
  3. If you want to see the best band in America, tell me why this isn't where you should be May 13?
  4. Forgetting Main Street Deli may now begin.
  5. Campaign Finance Reform NOW!

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