Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Back and Better Than Ever

All of our excuses have run out. The wedding was beautiful and the legislature is out of session. I guess that means its time to get back to the blogging thing.

I think SebMan is thinking of ways to make the blog bigger and better and more interesting to the masses. I'm going to start blogging about one of my new-ish interests--bread baking. Perhaps inspired by all of the many food blogs out there, I want people to realize that home baking bread might take a little time and effort, but the end result is so much better than anything you can find at a supermarket. Because of my 9-5 (or 6), I can really only bake on the weekend. But my goal is to bake a new kind of bread each week and to write about it.

And there will, of course, be plenty of political analysis as November draws nearer.

1 comment:

The Media Grab said...

about time!!! I had you guys at the bottom of my Igoogle page, does this mean I need to raise y'all back up?